Aaren Monnawesfv
Wandering Viera | Crystal DC
Traveling dancer & explorer

Young and slim
hooks & ooc
Where you can catch him & me

Race: Viera (Veena)
Gender: Male
Age: Early 20s (assumed)
Occupation: Performative dancer
Sexuality: Gay
Aaren is the name given to himself after he departed from the Skatay Range. He had lived his life just fine in the Range and was a practiced conjurer who was relied upon at times for his skill. However, Aaren was well aware of the world that existed beyond the Range. Nevertheless, he still found it to be his duty to protect his native home from the threat of Garlean invaders. It is when his ears caught word that the Empire was no more that his soul began to burn brighter with the desire to see what else the star had to offer.Having made his decision to leave, he traversed through the Golmore Jungle to reach Dalmasca and take stock of the state of the world's affairs before deciding where to head first. It was there that he decided to head west towards Eorzea and would begin to learn the ways of the world beyond the lands protected by the Viera.Not long after having arrived to Eorzea, Aaren encountered a traveling dance troupe and caught the eye of their leader. It is through a brief sojourn with them that he learned their art of dance before continuing on with his travels. While still connected to the troupe, his adventure of the star has still just begun, so he carries on with his exploration of the continent with excitement and intrigue.
Height: 6'0"
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Light pink
Tail: Rabbit-likeHaving a soft and slim build, he's very keen on wearing attire that compliments his physique. However, being a traveler, his wardrobe is still somewhat limited to a few outfits, including his traditional attire from the Range and his purchased dancer attire. Many of his ensembles are colored a shade of pastel purple to match his hair and personality.
possible hooks
- Do you like watching dance performances? You're likely to catch Aaren in one either with the troupe or solo. His solo performances are on occasion as a source of income.
- Are you in need of a simple conjurer? Aaren is still very familiar with the art of conjury he learned at the Range. He's even caught word of a form of healing that's done by playing cards, or so he's been told.
- Are you also a wandering traveler? Aaren really doesn't have any direction as most native Eorzeans do. You might find him lost, but he's not really lost, he's just taking in the sights the long way, and he's okay with that.*This list is not exhaustive and other ideas of meeting can definitely be suggested or brainstormed with me.
Mateus Home World | Mountain Time ZoneI am open to in-game and offline RP (via Discord, Docs, etc.). OOC, I am 28, so 18+ RP is okay. In-game RP walkups are okay when I have the RP tag is on, but always feel free to say hi or wave me down if you spot me in game!You can contact me with any questions or RP ideas via Twitter DMs or in-game /tell